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Solomon Deressa

Energized by his first glass of scotch since he left Ethiopia, the poet wonders, “how has poetry fallen to me?” Not a patriot of any place, Deressa proudly recalled of his time in Ethiopia: “among Christians I was not a Christian; among Marxists I was not a Marxist.” His belief lies in the “temple of laziness because it solves all problems.”

What could that possibly mean?

With a watery voice, Deressa read “The Poem Sheathed,” delivered as if his words were the waters of the Eritrean (Red) Sea slapping and sloshing against an old, but sure, boat. In “The Poem Sheathed,” Deressa laments the learned who lean on the past rather than live in the present or look to the future. “The present is already here,” one line reminds. And yet, like life itself, the poem ends with a question: “How did all this begin?”

MORE about Solomon Deressa works here -http://www.mantlethought.org/world-literature/poetry-horn-africa