TPLF’s Counter Revolution and Potential Antidotes
By- Derese G Kassa (PhD) / Wazema Radio Part 1 Popular unrest exploded by the youth in Oromiya, Amhara regions and other parts of Southern Ethiopia. Popular discontent boiled among…
By- Derese G Kassa (PhD) / Wazema Radio Part 1 Popular unrest exploded by the youth in Oromiya, Amhara regions and other parts of Southern Ethiopia. Popular discontent boiled among…
የከተሞች እና የመከተም (urbanization) ነገር በአገራችን ማኅበረሰባዊ፣ ባህላዊና ፖለቲካዊ ሕይወት ውስጥ ያላቸው ቦታ ዘመን በገፋ መጠን በእጅጉ እየጨመረ መምጣቱ ቢታወቅም በምርምርም ሆነ በሕዝብ አደባባይ ብዙም አልተባለለትም። ነገሩን ከከተሞች ታሪክ፣ ኢኮኖሚያዊ…